In the esoteric world of ArtExtasia you can experience the pure essence of tantra in its wholeness, in its sacredness.Â
The new Tour : "The eternal flame of sublime desire", contains two main pillars. The first one is the artistic performances that connects the world of art and tantra. Here we will not be "only" spectators, but each participant will have the chance to live and immerse him/herself into rare, unique erotic art performances that will infuse each soul with it's sublime energies, emotions and experiences... that will unfold on stage before our eyes.Â
Together with its unique performances, ArtExtasia bring us Tantra & Tantric Art workshops (the second pillar of this Tour), where the audience can activily participate, body and soul, and will be able to experience and deeper understand why Tantra is so often called "The path of Love", and we can add "The ultimate path of Energy for the awakening of Consciousness". All workshops will be held without nudity in a fully respectful environment. No previous (artistic or tantric) experience is needed to attend the workshops.
Finally, after each Workshop, a unique Tantric Movie will be screened.Â
It's a rare opportunity to perceive how the 7th art can touch hearts and awaken consciousness.
We invite you to know and see more about the ArtExtasia sublime erotic Shows in the following video:Â
The roots of theatre go deep into the ancient mysteries. From its beginnings it has been a true initiation into the mysteries of Life and the universal laws of Creation. What it has lost over the centuries is the access to the sacredness of its performers and the divine content of its message.
ArtExtasia's dramatic aesthetics aims to return to the theatre its divine rights by infusing the performances with the cathartic power of Eros, Beauty and Love as an infallible means of connecting souls that thirst for the sublime with divine sources.
"The fascinating power of manifestation"
Workshop only for women
The workshops presented during the festival combine art (especially the languages of dance, creativity, movement and improvisation) with spiritual practice (visualization, breathing exercises and bodily postures).
Their main operational key is the Art of Transfiguration , thus opening the gateway to a direct experience of the fascinating principles of Tantric spirituality in an atmosphere of magical eroticism, pure poetry and divine harmony.
Opletalova 5, Prague 1, Czech republic
by ArtExtasia
ArtExtasia is a daring artistic esoteric project that has as a goal to take Art back to its divine rights. Through our creative activity we aim to give life to a type of art based on beauty, harmony, love, and eroticism, that can take us on a journey towards the most profound depths of our souls.
Our multidisciplinary team has people from all areas of life, from professional actors and actresses to dancers, journalists, psychologists, engineers and doctors, filmmakers and sociologists. We became united around a simple principle: The transformation we wish to see in the world starts with our own personal transformation. And we do this through the application of the principles of Love, Sacred Art and Godly Spirituality in our life and in our artistic work.
A series of lectures in which specialists in Arts, Psychology, Sexology, Social sciences will address in a holistic, multidisciplinary and esoteric manner the actual social phenomena related to sexuality, eroticism, love and couple relationships, with the aim of analysing the possible solutions to the grave problems that nowadays humanity is confronted with.
These encounters will also provide for the audience a unique chance to acquire a deep understanding as well as practical keys to attain marvelous transformation in their beings and in their love relationships.
We have put together a series of artworks using a combination of photography, painting, and poetry. Each of these artworks was carefully created to be portals into marvelous mysterious resonances where we discover, if we contemplate with open heart, very beneficial energies of the Universe.
Through the states captured by photography, the gracious position of the bodies and the symbolic colors merge with the energies of Sublime Eros, Beauty, Love, Harmony, Playfulness, Joy, and much more.